在GMAT备考江湖上,曼哈顿的这套书是好评比较多的一个系列。在大仙的印象里面,美国人出的备考书籍一般都很极品,比如早年Kaplan的“Crack XXX"的一本书提供的GMAT句子改错N步曲就是:




A clear sentence is transparent - the author's intended meaning shines through. On the GMAT, however, either the original sentence or its variations may muddy the waters. One of your tasks is to choose the answer choice that transmits the author's intent as clearly as possible.

Sometimes the original sentence will have a clear,unambiguous meaning. In these cases, your goal is to preserve this original meaning as you correct other issues. Do not alter the author's intent when you make your choice.

At other times, the original sentence will be confusing, and you will need to discern the author's intent. Fortunately, this intent will not be buries too deeply.After all, the correct sentence has to be one of the five choices. Thus, the GMAT tends to make use of "small" errors in the meaning that can be easy to overlook.

Sentences contain pairs of words or phrases that must match. For example, the subject and the verb must match. This "matching"concept has grammatical implications (for instance, the subject and the verb must agree in number), but it also has logical implications. In other words, we must remember that the subject and the verb must make sense together!

It is very important to recognize that Sentence Correction questions ask for the best option
of those given, not the best option in the universe. Indeed, often you will feel—and rightly
so—that all the answers, including the correct one, “sound bad.”


your task is to evaluate the given answer choices, not to create the ideal sentence.
The ideal sentence often is not an option, and the right answer may sound rather wrong. To
complicate matters, incorrect answer choices often sound right. Indeed, the GMAT exploits
the fact that the English we hear is commonly riddled with grammatical mistakes.
