The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft will orbit the asteroid Eros for a year, slowly moving closer to the surface of the object to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to understand how the solar system formed some four billion years ago.


A. to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to 

B. to make ever more and more precise measurements, which scientists are hoping to enable them 

C. for making ever more precise measurements, and scientists hope that they will be able to 

D. with the purpose of making more precise measurements than ever, and which scientists hope will enable them to 

E. in order to make more precise measurements than it ever did, and scientists are hoping they will be able to






b选项错,which如果在从句中做hope的宾语的话,hope这个词不能hope sth to do,一般是直接引导that 从句 i hope that you will be there soon

c表目的用for doing错,且句意不对改变了原句的逻辑关系,后面的句意和前面没联系了。

d with the purpose of 罗嗦, and which就更错了,定语从句没有平行对象

e 改变原意且罗嗦





本题该某机构仁兄的分析命门有2个:表目的不能用for doing 和所谓的原意。那么,大仙反问:

(1)谁告诉你,这里要表目的了?就算是表目的,谁告诉你一定要用to do了?



首先,判断答案正确的标准,需要有可推广性,否则遇到此题你说to do简洁,遇到一题答案为for doing选项的,你说for doing符合意思,这游戏就没法玩了。

那么这题以及下面各题的命门是什么呢,其实就是我一直在强调的动作发出者。请看A,按照A的写法,eable 的发出者是measurement,那么请大家想想,measurement有资格发出这个动作吗?这个动作到底是谁做的?很模糊,可以是前句的整个事件,也可以是测量得到的结果。C巧妙地回避了这个问题,断成2个分句,正是绕开了这个说不清楚的地方。




New genetic evidence—together with recent studies of elephants' skeletons, tusks, and other anatomical features—provide compelling support for classifying Africa's forest elephants and its savanna elephants as separate species.





A  provide compelling support for classifying




B provide compelling support for the classification of




C provides compelling support to the classification of




D provides compelling support for classifying




E provides compelling support to classify







Scientists claim that the discovery of the first authenticated     mammal bones in amber琥珀 could provide important cluesof determining, in addition to how, when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies.


A.      of determining, in addition to how, when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies

B.       in the determination of how and when the islands of the West Indies were colonized by mammals

C.      to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

D.      for determining when the islands of the West Indies were colonized by mammals and how they were

E.       for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies




实际上,从动作发出者的角度,很容易解释。在上一题中,假如使用to do 结构,则发出者变为了整句的主语,即evidence,但实际上,去做claasify这事儿的,肯定不会是无生命的evidence。至于是谁呢,不知道。所以干脆就用个动名词,说成一个东西算了。



(1)不能武断地说to do 优于 for doing


(3)确保了不影响句意,才去判断to do优于for doing。